2024 | Volume 1
KU Research Newsletter
6 Clean Water and Sanitation
Prof. Kyung Hwa Cho
Prof. Kyung Hwa Cho
Improving the Efficiency of Redox Flow Desalination Batteries
Redox flow desalination batteries (RFDBs) are an energy-efficient and sustainable solution to address the water-energy nexus challenges. However, the hurdles of low volumetric capacity and intermittent desalination limit its widespread application. Now, researchers have introduced a new configuration, wherein the liquid electrodes are replaced with sodium metal, to increase the energy density and interlaying alternate cation and anion exchange membrane to ensure continuous desalination.
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Prof. Seunghak Lee
Prof. Seunghak Lee
Reporting the Unexpected Role of Nitrate During Aquifer Storage and Recovery
Aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) provides a promising solution for securing water for future use. During ASR, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is known to be attenuated by dissimilatory iron reduction. However, the role of nitrate, a competing electron acceptor to iron, in this process remains unclear. The researchers have elucidated the relevant mechanism and investigated the potential role of nitrate on DOC attenuation during ASR, revealing its unexpected synergistic effect.
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Prof. Jung-Hyun Lee
Prof. Jung-Hyun Lee
Investigating the Biofouling Mechanism of Sharkskin-Patterned Desalination Membranes
Biofouling is a critical problem in membrane-based water treatment and desalination as it degrades membrane performance. Topological modification of the membrane via the Sharklet pattern has shown the ability to mitigate biofouling. However, details about the orientation-dependentant-biofouling effect and the underlying anisotropic antifouling mechanisms remain unknown. Now, researchers have examined the biofouling tendency of the Sharklet-patterned membrane by varying the angle between the pattern orientation and bulk flow to gain insights into this mechanism.
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Prof. Soonjae Lee
Prof. Soonjae Lee
Applying Upscaling Methods to Predict Non-Pumping Reactive Wells Longevity
The presence of arsenic in groundwater is a serious public health concern, necessitating actions for groundwater treatment. Nonpumping reactive wells (NPRWs) offer a solution to this issue. However, recently, concerns regarding the longevity of NPRWs facilities have emerged. Now, researchers propose evaluating the longevity of NPRWs using upscaling methods and validating the prevention of contaminant spreading. This new method may simplify the calculation of NPRWs facilities longevity, particularly those with complex structures.
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9 Industry Innovation and Infrastructure
Prof. Jae Won Shim
Prof. Jae Won Shim
An Innovative Self-Powering Sensory Device to Combat Indoor IoT Challenges
The constant surge in demand for indoor Internet-of-Things (IoT) has driven the advancement of optoelectronic technologies owing to their sustainability and cost-effectiveness in addressing challenges posed by conventional power sources. However, the manufacture of standalone optoelectronic devices can be complex and expensive, limiting their scalability and widespread indoor application. Now researchers have developed a selfpowering dual-functional sensory device with optimal energy harvesting and sensing capabilities. This innovative device showcased both commercial feasibility and ambient stability when subjected to indoor lighting conditions, making it a promising solution for future indoor IoT devices.
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Prof. Ung Lee
Prof. Ung Lee
Assessing the Economic Viability and Environmental Potential of Green Hydrogen Carriers
To mitigate the climate crisis caused by CO2 emissions, hydrogen generated from renewable energy has emerged as a promising alternative for providing clean energy to both households and industries. Nonetheless, its practical deployment faces challenges associated with transportation and storage. In this context, methanol and formic acid, recognized as green hydrogen carriers produced from the utilization of carbon dioxide, present an economically and environmentally sustainable alternative. Through comprehensive techno-economic and life cycle assessment, researchers have found that methanol may serve as a short-term solution for hydrogen distribution, while electro chemical formic acid production shows potential for long-term options.
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Prof. Han-Jun Kim
Prof. Han-Jun Kim
Unveiling Insights to Advance Organoids for Biomedical Applications
Organoids are self-organized 3D tissue cultures that can replicate organ structure and function that are pivotal for developmental studies, drug testing, disease modelling, and regenerative medicine applications. However, optimizing techniques for culturing tissuespecific organoids is imperative to ensure their translational relevance and applicability. This review article aims to address this gap by uncovering materials engineering, biochemical modifications, and advanced manufacturing technologies to enhance organoid culture and precisely replicate vital anatomical structures and functions of human tissues. This work also highlights the latest clinical advancements in organoids that show promise for future clinical translation.
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Prof. Soonjae Lee
Prof. Yong-Sang RyuProf. Minah Seo
Innovating Terahertz (THz) technology with slot antennas
Gas-responsive metals are suitable candidates for Terahertz (THz) technology, allowing for monitoring gas-matter interactions and generating atomically small substances through catalytic reactions. However, using metals directly for THz techniques is challenging due to the lack of spectral characteristics in the THz band and its shallow penetration depth. Now researchers have introduced slot antennas, asymmetrically positioned hetero nano gap structures, to observe the states of metals in the THz spectrum, improving the effectiveness of THz technology in investigating metal transition dynamics with specific metamaterial structures.
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